Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why People Should Avoid Junk Foods

Jason Daniel C. Lim
7 - Marian

Why People Should Avoid Junk Foods

I have seen a lot of people consume many kinds of junk foods. And that they are unaware whatever is going to happen to them when they consume too much of it. What people really must know is that junk foods may taste good and also may be a little too healthy for you but almost half of it contains considerable amount of fats, cholesterol, and carbohydrates.

Junk foods might have advantages and disadvantages as we eat them. First of all, junk foods are basically based on sweet treats like ice cream, cakes, doughnuts and cookies. But other kinds of junk food that are not sweet are chips, french fries and hamburgers. Pizza might also be considered as a junk food but others say that pizza is healthy because it is made from bread dough. And we all know that bread is healthy. Eating cookies might give you a little energy but if you consume too much, you will gain weight. Usually, what makes these junk foods taste sweet is sugar. Sugar is healthy for only if you consume less of it.

People should not really consume too much junk foods, especially when they are not performing any physical activities since you won't be burning the calories that you are taking in to your body. Too much junk foods can give you health problems in the future.

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